Thursday, May 20, 2010


I have been playing Bach Sinfonia 1 since day 1. I also have been playing Clair de Lune by Debussy. The Mozart piece I picked is Alla Turca. I started playing Rachmaninoff Etude Tableaux no. 1 before the beginning. It is much harder than any of the others. For the first week I worried that this goal would be too hard, but I think if I can find easier pieces I still can make it.
So far the most difficult obstacle is focus. It is easy for my mind to get sidetracked and not focus on the music so I will be working on that.
Since this is Lorie's blog it says that she posted it but it is really me. For now I am just pianoman!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bach, Day 1

The process of learning has a little to do with being willing to press forward and risk mistakes. 
When mistakes are made, it is easier to fix them when you acknowledge that you have expanded your boundaries for the purpose of learning.

There is a certain feeling in the fingers with Bach,  like water trickling down a well-formed waterfall.  Hands held high, and relaxed; fingers curved.

Air piano helps learn tactile and auditory skills and allows you to focus on fingerings and held voices.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Start Blogging

Sometime after I watched the movie Julie and Julia. I came up with the idea that I would have a goal to learn to play some good music and to learn more.

Originally I was planning Bach, Mozart, Debussy, and Chopin. I had a gut feeling that I needed to change to something else so I came up with Rachmaninoff instead of Chopin.

The goal is to play 50 new pieces by these composers: 15 Bach, 15 Mozart, 10 Debussy, and 10 Rachmaninoff in one year. That is almost one per week. I am a little concerned that this is too aggressive but I am sure I will learn a lot anyway. My wife will be advising me.

I am thinking that I will post audio files and/or video as I go...